My Birthday isn't until the 20th, but the family I nanny for decided to have a dinner in honor of my Birthday since they all won't be here.
I used to live with the baby's Grandparents when I was an exchange student in Australia. We are all still very close (it is how I got this job) and they wanted to celebrate my birthday with me. When I turned 13 with them, "Grandpa" made me a cherry pie for my birthday and "Grandma" cooked steak and potatoes. Now that I am turned 23, they decided to recreate this feast.
Everything was ready. We all sat down to have this awesome dinner. We had just finished dinner and were getting to cut the pie when the sink started making a weird sound, and then there was terrible smell. Baby Mama starts screaming and we all rush thinking the baby is dead or something. But no, its the washing machine (the one of the clothes) and it is leaking food from the garbage disposal out the bottom. That's right, the sink and the washing machine lines connect eventually when they drain, and had gotten blocked up, forcing everything that had gone down the sink to come out through the pipe in the back of the clothes washer. So we had dirty water with lettuce and well....who knows draining. It was DISGUSTING.
Needless to say, night was pretty much ruined. We spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to get the disgusting water out, and how to fix the problem.
Even better, was that we couldn't do any of the many dishes we had created, and the cleaning ladies were coming the next day. AND the baby's birthday party is Saturday. Disaster.
Awww at least the idea was really sweet!