Thursday, June 21, 2012

David is now 16 months and he can...

Say "Peeeaasseee" and sign please.
Say "Moooaaa" and sign more.
Say "Ba Ba" and sign for bottle.
Say "Baaoooo" for book.
Say "reeeeeeeaaa" for ready.
Say "Up."
Say "Hup" for help.
Sign food.
Say "No"
Shake his head no.
Wave his hands "no way."
Hold an iphone to watch youtube videos on it.
He can point to his head.
He can point to his nose.
He can point to his belly.
He can point to his belly button.

 I am obsessed with him.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

This morning I took David to see his first movie! The Alamo Drafthouse in Austin lets you bring babies on Tuesday mornings to early morning movies for kids for free! My friend who is nanny was bringing her baby so I decided we would give it a try. I really didn't think we would last longer than 15 minutes. I figured he would want to run around and wouldn't be interested.

BUT he watched the entire movie! We only had to get up once and that was because he took off running...I guess he needed to stretch? We saw How To Train Your Dragon and we ate mac'n'cheese with milkshakes. He was only a little scared in the beginning of the dragons, but by the end he was clapping for the big dragon and laughing.

Good morning. 

Friday, June 8, 2012

I know everyone has been wondering...

Honeybadger puked on me yesterday right as I was putting him in the crib for his nap. He woke up, opened his eye, and spewed all over the arm of the chair and the floor. I just sat there and patted him on the back while he puked all over the wood floor. I was just glad it wasn't on the carpet in his room.