It is almost David's first birthday. Tomorrow (Saturday) is his birthday party. They are having around fifty people over. It is going to be insane. There was so much to still be done when I left the house tonight around at 8:30.
Tonight, we had 4 guests over, and were about to sit down to dinner when, David thew up all over me. I should have expected that honestly. We have had terrible luck this week. He had a HUGE dinner around 5:30 with me, the most I've ever seen him eat. He had an entire packet of food and half a jar of another food. He was drinking a bottle on my lap and laughing with me when he just projectile vomited all over me and the chair. Mommy came over to help. and then he barfed all over and the floor.
This is my life.
But you take it like a champ!